Register and learn


DAYS by Allianz in partnership with Nova Diamond Foundation is set to virtually train and empower Two Thousand Five Hundred (2500) persons with disabilities (especially physical disability in the hands, legs & stamina) with various digital skills like :


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Who is Eligible ?

  • Age 18-35 years,
  • Residents in Nigeria 
  • Have access to internet-enabled devices
  • Must be ready to attend a MANDATORY virtual training for two (2) weeks.

With the empowerment of  more differently abled youths with digital  skills and tools needed, there will be more opportunities for them in decent and sustained job placements, productive employment and work  for them, and equal pay for work of equal value

Objectives of the Scheme

This will promote life-long learning opportunities for all 

This project gives people with disabilities the opportunity for independent living within the community thus leading to lower demands for special services therefore bringing economic benefits to all members of society

To improve their skills, confidence, morale and  personal development

Key targets

Increase labour Market

By 2030,achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value

Reduce Unemployment

By 2030, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training